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Heard a lot of good things about this game and decided to download it, however I am having some troubles with interacting with objects.. I've been using the E button to open doors but that's about it.

I am so new to PC gaming and would appreciate the help :)

yeah it’s E to interact with objects, objects that can be interacted with are indicated by an icon which appears in the centre of the screen when looking at it. 

L'ambiance est tellement réussite... J'ai eu trop peur!!

Good job =)

Creepy But Great Game!

Thanks for playing!

I loved the atmosphere of the game, even if i had a little bug, we had a lot of fun doing it live with my community!

Thanks for playing!

I loved this game, an incredible athmosphere, very good graphics and an interesting plot. The easter egg was awesome , good job!!

Thanks for playing, glad to hear you enjoyed it. 

dope game not what I expected.


Thanks for playing! 

Good Job

Thanks for playing!

The secret door was the best little feature I've witnessed in a horror game (although I was confused as hell when I found it haha). Anyway, very good creepy atmosphere, all the little noises were making me very paranoid and I was generally creeped out the whole time. Oh, please consider adding subtitles to the 911 call at the beginning (and maybe the breaking news segment at the end too) cause certain parts were a bit hard to understand. Other than that, it was a great experience, would love to see what else you come up with!


Thanks for playing, just letting you know I won't be updating this game anymore as I am focusing entirely on school and my current project. I will keep your suggestions in mind for future games though.

No começo tava com medo, + depois fiquei deboa

This is one creepy ass game

Very cool Horror, and the secret door is amazing!

Suspect people in these halls lol


does this autosave

No, the game does not autosave because it only has a playtime of about 30 minutes. 

Is this an endless game or not

Hi, sorry for the late response, no this is not an endless game.

This was Creepy! Here's hoping you make more!

Absolutely loved the feel of this game! Even something as simple as the flashlight mechanic gives it so much more realism! I also loved how every inch of the place was utilized in some way!

My only suggestion would be to possibly make the beginning apartment number prompt last longer or something along those lines!

Again, really loved the execution of this game, and looking forward to "The Condo Below" ;)

i wasnt scared at all :)

The atmosphere of the game is really great. You never know what's gonna happen next. I got scared a few times!

What the hell should I go. Nothing can do jack shit.

Loved this one, the hiding in the pitch black dark was spooky af

I keep trying to change the graphics for the game but they won't stay as the way I put them

Hi, this is a known issue, changing the settings via the pause menu should work.


I had a nice time playing! The only bad thing I can say is that I got lost on what to do a few times but that may have been just me being stupid. I also made it out the door the first time when I was supposed to hide but I don't think I was supposed to be able to do that lol


Thanks for playing, you're not the only person who got lost btw lol, definitely a lack of direction on my end, glad to hear you enjoyed it anyway, keep an eye for out my future project!

look my videoo! #youtuber

Great Game with a fun experience! 

Really digged the unsettling vibe in this along with the VHS touch!

Thanks for playing!

love the game it had me so scared 

Thanks for playing!

(1 edit)


Nice little game, but a little less of jumpscares....

Thanks for playing!

This was brilliant, really good atmosphere I was stressed and spooked the whole time.

3rd Game in my Video

Thanks for playing!

Thank you for making this game! It was awesome!!! A couple glitches that I found but regardless great story :) Do you have plans of expanding this one? I think it'd be great if you did!

Hi, thanks for playing, I do not plan on updating this game at all as I am currently working on a much bigger new project, you can find a short teaser for it on this page if you are interested!

I'm very interested!!! What is it called?

I have not publicly announced the name but you can find it if you scroll up a bit.

just to clarify in case I confused you, I didn’t mean you could find the name of the project if you scrolled up, I was referring to the teaser trailer. Sorry for the poor wording lol.

No problem! I figured out what you meant and gave it a watch! I'll be awaiting the next update on it!!

Awesome Game! The atmosphere was really well done. I hated it to be in this location. Well done and keep up the good work!

Thanks for playing!


Thanks for playing!

Good short game, kept me on edge. Perhaps add some more directions in the game and make it a bit easier for the player to know the next objective (e.g. read the newspaper in the bedroom). Otherwise, well done!

Thanks for playing!

I love it. This game is really scary with an incredible atmosphere.

I did a video on my channel. Hope you like it and waiting for the next one!!!

Thanks for playing!

what do you do after the hammer lol


try looking around in the kitchen......

I love found footage style games, thanks for making it!

Thanks for playing!

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