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I enjoyed this so much :) It was spooky the whole time and the jump scares were great! You did an awesome job, please make more :D 

Thanks for playing, I definitely plan on publishing more games so keep an eye out.

I definitely confused myself a few times and got lost, but it was a fun game! The style and graphics were the best! 

Thanks for playing!

Awesome game! I love discovering fire indie horror games, and this one did not disappoint! Hope to see more from you soon :)


Thanks for playing!

Great game! I love any horror game with a ghost!

Thanks for playing!

This is such a cool game, it seems like it was inspired by P.T, because it closely resembles some of the elements that made P.T such a memorable experience.

Thanks for making me feel like I was playing P.T!

Thanks for checking out my game!

I didn't think it would literally be this terrifying!!

Thanks for playing!

Thank you for the fun time bro!This was seriously something! Thanks for the fun dev! :)

Thanks for playing!

(3 edits)

Amazing horror game i cant believe how i died and responed and the guy disappeared you have to see my reaction!( it was my seccond game but the 2 games go together so WELL!!


Thanks for playing!


By far one of the scariest games I've played on my channel.

Thanks for playing! I do plan on releasing more games so keep an eye out.

Will do, thank you.

I foundthe DOUBLE SECRET ending and nearly shat. What a fun game- really had a good time with this one.


Great video!, you're the first person I've seen discover the secret, secret lol. 


Can't alter settings for some reason. One I'm done fixing them, and I go back, it just resets back to the default. Couldn't even really get started...


Hi, just responding to let you know that the settings automatically apply, and it is only the text box that gets reset.

I can tell the settings are being reset when I go back because when I click back my monitor says it switched back to 1080p. And when I go back to settings theyre all reset.

huh, weird it should be working, try setting your resolution from the pause menu in game instead and see if that works.

yup, just checked, that's an oversight on my behalf. It works if you change it from the pause menu in game.


Thanks for playing!

This game is fantastic!!! Having no music for a bodycam horror gaming experience is horrific!!! 10/10!!!


Thanks for checking it out!

Looking around was kind of hard but other than that it is a great game, well done!

Thanks for playing!

GREAT GAME! Pretty scary, had a great time playing it. The controls took a while  to get the hang of and the zoom of the camera was really slow. But other than that it was a cool experience and had a creepy atmosphere. Kinda reminded me of the SCP stories. 


Thanks for playing!

It was a very good game, kept me on edge well done

(1 edit)

Great terrifying experience. I'm a little confused about the ending when it says "Somewhere A Door Unlocks". Does that imply a secret ending? If so I'll play again to find it. 

One criticism I have is the head sway with the controls made it pretty difficult to navigate. 

Also, I'm confused why we would call 911 and then go investigate ourselves. Unless we were a cop or investigator ourselves in which case why were we not armed? Why wouldn't we take the knife in self-defense? 

edit: just re-read the description, so yeah why would a cop investigate without a gun or backup?

A few holes in an otherwise fantastic experience. 

I've recently started a new gaming YouTube channel and this will be one of the first let's plays I'm uploading. I'll be sure to link the video when its up. 

Thanks again for the great game!

Thanks for playing and for the great feedback!, and I think you might be onto something.......

Ah, i never did manage to figure out the secret ending. In any case heres my gameplay! I hope to see more from you in the future!

I resdall

I really enjoyed this game and loved the realistic vhs vibe from it. every second inside the apartment had me on edge and the jump scares got me.

Thanks for playing!

One of the best indie horror games I've ever played

Thanks for playing, really happy to hear my game is one of the best indie horror's you've ever played!

wooooww great game , thank you!

Loved this game from start to finish! Can't wait for more! If you wanna check out my awesome experience of this great little game then please be sure to check out the video below! Subscribe if you enjoy! ❤

Thanks for checking out my game, it means alot seeing others enjoy it.

More then welcome! I really had fun!

Really well done, it was a short and simple little horror but i loved it 

Keep up the good work ^w^ 

Below is a playthrough of your game

Thanks for playing :)

you are very welcome ^w^


Enjoyed the premise - mechanics and storyline at play here...although I didn't really understand why a police officer would be attending a call with just a camera! Were they a forensics expert, by any chance? ;)


  • Engaging atmosphere, as soon as you enter the apartment you feel claustrophobic and tense
  • Enjoyed the storyline (hidden tapes that showcase the serial killer preying on his victims, etc)
  • Has the aesthetic of 'Deppart' and 'Unrecord' with the camera/bodycam element.


  • Perhaps it was just me, but had a hard time trying to see what the polaroid picture was in the desk. At first I didn't realise it was the picture, thought there was writing in the polaroid but couldn't zoom the camera in whilst I had the picture selected.
  • A few grammatical errors with the newspaper article
  • Standard head-sway setting seemed a little 'floaty' 

Overall, thought this was a great indie horror experience, combining realistic situations with ethereal elements. My take away was that the victim's spirit was trying to warn the police officer, and would like to see this expanded in a future iteration - also a breath of fresh air to see a benevolent spirit instead of a malevolent one, if that was indeed the case! 

Hey, glad you enjoyed it and thanks for the great feedback!

so good love it keep up the good work 

Thanks for checking it out, glad you had a good time!

Deleted 221 days ago

Sorry to hear you didn't enjoy the experience, however I'm not entirely sure why your flashlight went out permanently during your second playthrough. Could you perhaps provide me with more info so I can troubleshoot the issue.

If I had to guess I would say you triggered a certain secret without fully discovering it, if this is the case I would recommend reexploring. 

I will be playing this live, tomorrow 6/5 around 7 PM EST =).

Looking forward to it!

Awesome game! On edge the whole time.


Thanks for playing! glad to hear it had you on edge.

 cool game

Thanks for playing!

I really enjoyed this game, it took me a while to figure out what to use the hammer for, but I figured it out. There were moments in this game, where I was very anxious. Here is my playthrough, with my final thoughts at the end! 

Thanks so much for checking out my game! , glad to hear you enjoyed it.

awesome game , loved the ending! <3

Glad to hear you enjoyed it

Good Game! very creepy, the vhs style really added to the creepiness factor. Especially a certain part that....freaked me out more than it should've XD 8/10

Hey man, great video, glad to hear you enjoyed the game!

I don't know what to do with that hammer but the apartment is not that bad after all. I mean of course he is haunted but after a few 30 minutes I'm use to it right now. The rent is a bit high but I'm good here so I'll keep it :)

The fact that I found out what to do with this hammer right after my commentary was posted make me think about all my life XD

Glad to hear you figured it out in the end lol, Thanks for playing!

Very cool!


You forgot to add a accept button to the graphics changes, no way to change resolution it just reverts.


Hey, thanks for commenting, just came here to let you know that your settings automatically apply and that it's only the text box's that revert.

Had a problem with the knife but apart from that i had loads of fun with this one thanks dev :)


Hey man, Amazing video, I had a good laugh, sorry to hear about the issue with the knife I'll make sure to look in to it, but glad to hear you enjoyed the experience nonetheless.

love the game thank you 

Thanks for playing, glad to hear you enjoyed it!!!!

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